This component enables us to add support for additional postEffect passes to the Viewer component.
Prop List
Name | Type | Status |
sao | {SAOProps} | Optional |
bloom | BloomProps | Optional |
exposure | ExposureProps | Optional |
toneMapping | ToneMappingProps | Optional |
antiAliasing | AntiAliasingProps | Optional |
colorCorrection | ColorCorrectionProps | Optional |
background | BackgroundProps | Optional |
sao: {SAOProps}
- Optional
sao: {SAOProps}
- OptionalThis option adds the SAO (Screen Ambient Occlusion) pass to the player, controlled by the following options:
export type SAOProps = {
intensity?: number;
blur?: boolean;
blurRadius?: number;
worldRadius?: number;
numSamples?: number;
edgeSharpness?: number;
threshold?: number;
bloom: BloomProps
- Optional
bloom: BloomProps
- OptionalThis option adds the Bloom pass to the player, controlled by the following options:
export type BloomProps = {
intensity?: number;
radius?: number;
threshold?: number;
exposure: ExposureProps
- Optional
exposure: ExposureProps
- OptionalThis option controls the overall exposure of the visuals in the player, with the following options:
export type ExposureProps = {
exposure?: number;
toneMapping: ToneMappingProps
- Optional
toneMapping: ToneMappingProps
- OptionalThe tonemapping controls how the overall dynamic range of values is interpreted on the screen. There are several options between different looks:
export declare enum ToneMappingMode {
Uncharted = "filmic",
ACES = "aces",
Linear = "linear",
Reinhard = "reinhard",
Reinhard2 = "reinhard2",
Reinhard2Adaptive = "reinhard-adaptive",
Cineon = "cineon",
AGX = "agx"
export type ToneMappingProps = {
mode?: ToneMappingMode;
whitePoint?: number;
middleGrey?: number;
minLuminance?: number;
maxLuminance?: number;
averageLuminance?: number;
antiAliasing: AntiAliasingProps
- Optional
antiAliasing: AntiAliasingProps
- OptionalThe antialiasing controls how the pixels are interpolated to create smooth edges. It comes with the following different modes:
export declare enum AntiAliasingMode {
None = "none",
FXAA = "fxaa",
MSAA = "msaa"
export type AntiAliasingProps = {
mode?: AntiAliasingMode;
msaaSamples?: number;
colorCorrection: ColorCorrectionProps
- Optional
colorCorrection: ColorCorrectionProps
- OptionalColorCorrection allows us to adjust the overall contrast and colours of the player, for a more stylized look, with the following options:
export type ColorLevelProps = {
saturation?: number;
contrast?: number;
gain?: number;
tint?: Color | string;
export type ColorLevel = 'shadows' | 'midtones' | 'highlights' | 'master';
export type ColorCorrectionProps = {
midtonesRange?: [number, number];
} & Partial<Record<ColorLevel, ColorLevelProps>>;
background: BackgroundProps
- Optional
background: BackgroundProps
- OptionalThis option allows us to choose the options for the background of the player, as a combination of a solid color and transparency level.
When the <StandardPostProcessing>
component is added, this overrides the background of the player. If you wish to return to a transparent background, then set this background
prop to alpha: 0
export type BackgroundProps = {
color?: string | Color;
alpha?: number;
In the following example we do the following:
- Switch off SAO and Bloom from the default modes
- Set the Tonemapping to filmic mode
- AntiAliasing to MSAAx4
- Set the Background to fully transparent
- Use colorCorrection to make the visuals a contrasty black and white image.
cacheScope: "v1",
optimize: false,
<OrbitControls />
<MyScene assetId={"b1571ea4-e7f3-400f-ba58-b875b382a4a5"} />
sao={{ intensity: 0 }}
bloom={{ intensity: 0 }}
toneMapping={{ mode: ToneMappingMode.Uncharted }}
antiAliasing={{ mode: AntiAliasingMode.MSAA, msaaSamples: 4 }}
colorCorrection={{ master: { saturation: 0, contrast: 1.3 } }}
background={{ alpha: 0 }}